
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Everywhere that we go, God’s goodness is evident. He is so intentional and brings sweet moments that point to Him. This week has been filled with precious moments from God. As you may remember from last weeks blog post, I have been living in Parramos for the previous week. This brought a bunch of new and fun experiences. Most of the church activities start after four which is when we usually stop ministry. Since we are staying at the ministry, we get to be there for the night activities. We have helped with a game night, church service, dinner, and helped lead worship. I have been pushed out of my comfort zone multiple times this week, which has been challenging but sweet. For example, the church asked some of us to help lead worship on Sunday. I thought about it but then decided I was not going to. I was nervous about leading worship in general, let alone in Spanish. But God said you are going to, so I volunteered. Today I was anxious and did not know if I could do it. We had a time of prayer before the service started, and I am so glad that we did. I gave up my anxiousness to God and felt overwhelming peace. My focus went from worrying about messing up to bringing God glory, which made a world of difference. I gave it my all and felt so close to God while I was worshipping. 

Since we have been here for a little bit over a month, I have been able to form relationships. This past week specifically, I noticed that the kids are becoming more comfortable with us and are opening up. They show love so well and have so much joy. They show God’s pure joy and love for us in such a unique way. As much as I am learning from my squad and leaders, I also learn from the kids. This is such a special time with God. He is allowing me to see more of what breaks his heart and what he loves. 

Today was such a great day! I did not plan for anything after church but went out with friends for lunch. We walked around a mall and just had a fun time messing around. We took pictures everywhere that we sat down and just enjoyed each other’s company. It was so much fun! I had been asking God for a fun day where I did not have to think about anything. Where I could laugh and enjoy the sweet company. This was answered multiple times this week, but specifically today. Praise God! God is good all the time, and all the time, God is good! 



Announcement: The blog platform is no longer changing platforms but will be down for a couple of days. Thank you for being patient and understanding. 🙂





One response to “God’s Goodness”

  1. Praising God with you for His goodness!! I am proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone to do what He asked you. What a great reminder that when we focus on obeying with the right motives and keeping our eyes on His glory our frailties and anxiety is put in it’s place! I am so excited for you to be learning all these precious lessons, building close relationships with your team, leaders, and the sweet little kids that are proud to have you as their teacher!